An EP to remember – The Bill Murray
So once again it is my pleasure to introduce you all to yet another great group of artists. ‘The Bil… So once again it is my pleasure to introduce you all to yet another great group of artists. ‘The Bill Murray E.P.’ is the Sweatshop Unions most recent release by far that most ambitious record to date. After listening to it once I instantly got ahold of a copy for myself and it is now sitting comfortable in my library.
Their press release describes it as ‘a runaway mushroom trip through the cosmos’, and I have to say I couldn’t agree more. It possesses an otherworldly quality I haven’t had the fortune to listen to since Gorillaz first album. I may not be as knowledgable in this area as some but I think I can safely say that this will appeal to all, from hip hop veterans to those who have crawled out from under their rock and discovered it for the first time.
Once you get past the general feel of the music and eventually overcome the simple pleasure of listening to the music you may find that there is more to the lyrics than you’d think. I won’t say too much because I don’t want to spoil the surprise. All I will say is that there is a depth and meaning behind the lyrics that may come come as a shock to those sceptics of the genre who think it is all about being gangsta.
With the introduction of this to my library I can slowly feel myself being drawn into the realm of hip hop. Despite being one of the few people my age who had been converted, this E.P. has had more power over me than any of the more popular or well known artists. For me it would be more of a surprise if they didn’t succeed than if they did.
Now all that’s left to say is go get their album off itunes then check out their website