"Grieves & Budo, and Sweatshop Union brought the house down in Minneapolis." The Main room at First Ave is one of my favorite venues in the universe. Not just because of the history which it represents, but because of the …
Category Archives: Reviews
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An Epic Chimpblood
Hip-hop force Sweatshop Union brings tour to Spokane
“Beautiful, reminiscent, smooth, soulful classic!” – Infinite
One of the smoothest cuts Sweatshop Union ever laid down.
Sweatshop Union signs with North Star Media
Editor’s pick – Time Granted
“Infinite gives you everything you want”
“Great for parties, relaxing, biking, driving, working and thinking.” – Infinite
“They have charisma, Living Legends style.” – Back on my Grizzly Tour
7 out of 10 “you can get high on it without taking a toke.”
“Grieves gets Grizzly with Sweatshop Union.”
Sweatshop Union to join Grieves on the Back On My Grizzly Tour!
Infinite & Chimp Blood nominated 2014 WCMA’s
Chimp Blood WINS 2014 WCMA for Electronic Album of the Year!
“Music lovers are sure to sway to the sounds of Sweatshop Union”
Sweatshop Union join Victoria Ska & Reggae Festival
Sweatshop Union join Victoria Ska & Reggae Festival Hepcat Plus Mustard Plug, Sweatshop Union, De Bruces a Mi, The Leg Up Program, & DJ Su Comandante Espinoza at VICTORIA’S 16TH ANNUAL SKA & REGGAE FESTIVAL