"jolts of caffeine between enjoyable stretches of relaxing listening." – Pigeon Hole
Vancouver, B.C. – Pigeon Hole, made up of emcees Mr. Marmalade and Dusty Melodica from the Sweatshop Union family, is releasing their debut album as an independent act, Age Like Astronauts mid-June. The album, produced entirely by the two rappers, carries a consistent sound that links the songs in this collection together.
The album has a fun feel to it: “Loop Tape” is nostalgic, bringing the listener back to the golden era of hip-hop as it touches on the way in which kids reacted to that sound. They do a couple of songs about lady troubles – which are amusing to say the least – and the tracks “Light Show” and “Emergency” kick the album into high-energy mode like jolts of caffeine between enjoyable stretches of relaxing listening.
Mos Eisley makes an appearance for the thought-provoking “Eye of the Tiger,” a track which reminds us how Sweatshop tends to keep our eyes open. DJ Itchy Ron appears on “Emergency” and the boy knows how to bring fun to the tables: his scratching is always highly entertaining and on-point. The album features Moka Only and D-Sisive as well, both talented artists that add to the overall sound of this album.
These guys are original: their album is a dead giveaway of the reason they are still in the game and a testament to why Sweatshop Union has been such a success in the industry.